Diving German WW1 minelaying submarine UC-42.
Propeller boss of one of WW1 sub UC-42's propellors. She lies sunk approx 5nm south of Roches Point. Photo ©Timmy Carey
Sidescan sonar image of Wreck of 1692 (to be confirmed) discovered by Carroll O'Donoghue, owner/operator of HARPY, in 2015.
A selection of our underwater survey hardware. We're ready when you need us.
Wreck-diving off the Old Head of Kinsale
Commercial Divers working on undersea pipes outside Kinsale harbour.
Recovering Diver after ascent from Lusitania wreck.
Sunset in Kinsale, pictured from the quays.
Chris Troy's family trip. (Chris, Michael, Matthew and David). Cod and Pollack caught.
Blue plus two, (Timmy and Trevor). 30/July/2011
Blue plus two, (Martin and Trevor). 30/July/2011
Eddie and Carroll about to release tagged blue shark. The yellow tag is visible on the dorsal fin.
The lateral line is marked by a distinctive semi-circular curve above the pectoral fin. Look for orange pectoral fins.
A nice red gurnard caught by Jack Ahern, 1/Sept/12.
These fish are typically caught in relatively shallow water over sand and mud, but sometimes caught on reefs too. Baited mackerel feathers are good. Keep bait on bottom.
Ryan catches his first fish! This was on a Kinsale Deep Sea Anglings "Dads and Lads" evening trip which are held each Wednesday evening in some Summer months. Location was Old Head.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.
Chris Troy's family trip. (Chris, Michael, Matthew and David). Cod and Pollack caught.
Blue plus two, (Timmy and Trevor). 30/July/2011
Blue plus two, (Martin and Trevor). 30/July/2011
Eddie and Carroll about to release tagged blue shark. The yellow tag is visible on the dorsal fin.
The lateral line is marked by a distinctive semi-circular curve above the pectoral fin. Look for orange pectoral fins.
A nice red gurnard caught by Jack Ahern, 1/Sept/12.
These fish are typically caught in relatively shallow water over sand and mud, but sometimes caught on reefs too. Baited mackerel feathers are good. Keep bait on bottom.
Ryan catches his first fish! This was on a Kinsale Deep Sea Anglings "Dads and Lads" evening trip which are held each Wednesday evening in some Summer months. Location was Old Head.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.
Angler Fish caught 12/July/2020 by James McCabe off Black Head, Kinsale.