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Price List:


Fishing/Diving/Tours Charter Rates:

FULL DAY:  €800,   8 hrs, (09:30 to 17:30).  12 persons max. 

HALF DAY:  €450,  3.5 hrs, (09:30 to 13:00 OR 14:00 to 17:30). 12 persons max. 

EVENING TRIP, €450,  2.5 - 3.0 hrs, (18:00 to 20:30 / 21:00 depending on sunset times) 12 persons max.


Single Seat Fishing/Tour Rates:

FULL DAY   € 90,    8 hrs, (09:30 to 17:30)

HALF DAY:  € 60, 3.5 hrs, (09:30 to 13:00 OR 14:00 to 17:30).


Shark Fishing Charter Rates:

SHARK FISHING €850 8 hrs (09:30 to 17:30)  4 or 5 persons shark fishing. Others may fish standard lines.


Bluefin Tuna Fishing Charter Rates:

TUNA FISHING €850. 8 hours trolling (or a mix of tuna and other fishing). Fishing for the Bluefin tuna monsters is strictly Catch and Release with the season from 1st/July to 12th/November. Our rods, reels and tackle all meet or exceed Irish Inland Fisheries strict requirements where the emphasis in on the survival of the Tuna.


Book now to avoid disappointment.

Any other Costs?

Rod Hire is included in all fishing prices above, including Shark rods or Tuna rods as applicable.

Playful Doplhins.



   Pricing for Hydrographic Surveys include mobilization and de-mobilization prices and will depend on the area of, and nature of,  the marine grounds to cover. Given the individual nature of these tasks we are happy to discuss this with the client beforehand. We carry in house RTK base and rover equipment, sidescan sonars, multibeam sonars, magnetometers and gradiometers. We have no delays mobilizing our equipment is stored locally and we rarely use rented equipment.



    As per Hydrographic Surveys above. However, the extra equipment being used, (sidescan, multibeam and sub-bottom profiling sonars as well as ROVs) will be required in full or partially. Again, given individual nature of these sensitive tasks we are happy to discuss this with the client beforehand. Again, there are no delays in our equipment mobilizing as we do not use rented equipment and all equipment is owned in house.



   Pricing of course varies with each job. Please contact us with your requirements.